Thursday, September 29, 2016

Image result for and then there were none book
"Fiction reveals the truths that reality obscures." ~Ralf Waldo Emerson

There is nothing so satisfying in this world than a good murder mystery. And none so good (I dare say) than this, the mystery than influenced so many. Agatha Christie is, to me, almost one of the classics. There are very few perfect "who done it?" stories out there, but such a thing seems to have been found right here!
Reading something so gripping as And Then There Were None will make you want to write one of your own! I admit, I wondered while reading it if I would not like it because it was not romantic nor necessarily "action", but I found something truly unique in this book. It really did change my appreciation of books completely, and remind me that books don't have to be just for lazy entertainment, but can be thrilling and altogether stimulating!

This book is only a couple hundred pages, but is fraught with mystery from beginning to the end.
We open by meeting ten strangers. Each has received an odd invitation to spend the weekend on the private island of one wealthy man each assumes the other knows. Each of the ten conceals their own secret-- a scandal they swore they would never admit. But by the time they realize their millionaire host is nowhere to be found, the tide has already come in and all transportation off the island is delayed.
Here, their fate is sealed. As it says so beautifully on the back cover:

 "For each has been marked for murder. 
One by one they fall prey. 
Before the weekend is out, there will be none. 
And only the dead are above suspicion."

Oh but I'll have to stop here, I don't want to give anything away!
I fell in love with this book, and it has remained over the years one of my all-time favorites. Agatha Christie has mastered suspense, and knows exactly how to include those little things that will make your spine tingle.
I encourage all of you to give it a try!
Thank you for stopping by!
Keep reading!

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