Wednesday, September 21, 2016

  1. “No entertainment is so cheap as reading, nor any pleasure so lasting. — Lady Montagu
Morning everyone!
Today I have a little young adult piece for you. Only a couple hundred pages long, one could easily finish it in a week. I read The Knight of Redmond by Jennifer Clark when I was young and desperate for anything romantic that reached mother's standards of appropriateness, no matter if it was a serious novel, or more of a "fluff" book. However, that is not to say I did not enjoy it!
This is your classic village-girl-now-on-her-own-teams-up-with-handsome-man-for-the-greater-good-of-the-kingdom kind of book. But in this case, there are some rather gipping plot twists that will keep any young reader engaged!
I loved the battle/fight scenes, the romance, and the overall conflict between the two kingdoms.
The main character, Lily, is not one I particularly connected wholeheartedly to, but still enjoyed her as a heroin.
Lily and her mother have been outcasted as witches, so she is forced to live a life hoping to go unnoticed. However, with royal blood running in her veins, that is far from the high society life Lily is dreaming of, and was destined to claim. When trouble with the invading "Redmond" kingdom forces her to come in contact with a handsome enemy knight with dire commands he must complete, a sort of Romeo and Juliet scenario begins to unfold. Coming from rival kingdoms, danger threatens love and friendship.

It is a fetching tale of shamed reputations, secrets, kidnaping, betrayal, and desperation to end the war that has send thousands up in flames.

Overall, I'd give it about 3 stars. It is a pleasant little book that will keep you reading till the very end.

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